Thursday, 28 February 2013

Email Correspondence

 Spoke to my tutor Dave Raybould via email regarding my difficulties in sourcing a suitable video which would act as a sufficient platform to create a sound design track using binaural techniques. The conclusion of the conversation was to focus on a piece of film to design and record the sound for initially, using binaural recording for some parts if appropriate given time and feel of the film.

Leeds Met Film School

On recommendation from Steve Parker I have made contact with D.M. Smith from the Leeds Met Film School. This was to enquire if I could make contact (and what the procedure was behind getting in touch) with current students in order to collaborate on a project whereby I provide the sound design for a film. This resulted in myself being directed to a directory which I could place my name onto stating what I was looking for and had to offer. However since this was no guarantee of an immediate response for a short film being provided I thought it best to source my own video.

Proposed Plan for Project

Project - Sound to Film

 I have always been drawn towards how a sound or piece of music can effect somebody's emotions or perception of an image, a space, or a scene; so it was on this basis that I chose to pursue the creation and application of sound to film for my project. Sound can play a pivotal part in the success and feel of a piece of film, although it is usually the case that if it is done well and effectively, it will go unnoticed.